Martinez Sellers

Founder & CEO of MarSell Wellness Center and MHS, which includes counseling services, anger management services, domestic violence recovery, parenting coaching, and foster family services.

Martinez has been engaged in local church ministry and non-profit work all of his life since growing up at Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Newark, Ohio.

When his family relocated to Southern California, he continued to work in the church, directing choirs for his local church and singing with various Gospel artists throughout Southern California. After graduating from high school, Martinez went on to attend the University of California, Berkeley.

While there, he was instrumental in establishing the Young Inspiration Gospel Choir, a 100 voice college Gospel choir. While continuing his studies, he founded the Louise Patterson African American Awards Ceremony to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of the faculty, staff and students of color at the university. Martinez then continued to work with at-risk kids in inner-city Oakland by providing tutoring services and mentorship opportunities.

Chris is Sad: Children and Divorce

Children may struggle with their emotions when parents divorce. Chris is a young boy who overhears his parents discussing their plans to divorce. Chris is deeply saddened by this news and his feelings impact his behavior. He begins to struggle with his appetite, social relationships, academics and even connecting with his pet dog, Duke. With a spiritual upbringing, Chris even considers prayer, but feels that God is not listening anyway. The story follows Chris’ journey to acceptance, demonstrates how parents and others in a child’s life can best help through divorce, and gives a view into the mind of child to better understand and support them.

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